Icelandic Postal Stationery
Single Postcards Double Postcards Lettercards Printed Matter Cards Aerogrammes
Einföld spjöld Tvöföld spjöld Spjaldbréf Prentspjöld Loftbréf


Web links
Some articles (mine) on
Icelandic Postal Stationery

Postal Stationery Rates
King Christian X
Modern Icelandic
Postal Stationery

Private enterprice

Interesting links
Icelandic Philatelic Society
FIP Postal Stationery Comm.
The Postal Stationery Society
Postal Stationery of Denmark
My Danish friend Toke Nørby
From R. Daebel's website:
Die Bøgh-Fälschungen

This website is made by Hálfdan Helgason - Reykjavík - Iceland