Icelandic Postal Stationery
Single Postcards Double Postcards Lettercards Printed Matter Cards Aerogrammes
Einföld spjöld Tvöföld spjöld Spjaldbréf Prentspjöld Loftbréf
The first Icelandic Lettercards or Spjaldbrjef, as it was written in those days (now it's Spjaldbréf), were printed in Denmark by H. H. Thiele, Copenhagen in 1905 and brought to Iceland by s/s Laura, arriving as late in the year as 2 Dec.
Hér má skrifa

Hér má líka skrifa

Two denominations were printed, 4 and 10 aurar and the circulating number was 5000 and 10000 respectively. The value stamp depicted King Christian IX of Denmark and Iceland. Most likely the lettercards were at first put on sale in the beginning of the year 1906. There is no official First Day of Issue; the earliest cancelation known to me is 13 Apr. 1906. Without doubt you will find an earlier one. Please let me know if you find or know of any. It would be a thrill if you find a used one cancelled in December 1905. My address is in the blue bar at the bottom of this page.

In 1907 new cards were issued, the denominations were the same as before, 4 and 10 aurar and the numbers circulated as before, 5000 and 10000 respectively. The value stamp pictured King Christian IX and his son and successor King Frederick the VIII. These lettercards, usually referred to as the Two Kings, were delivered to Iceland in May 1907. It's not known when they exactly were put on sale. My earliest cancellation is in 1908, so please tell me what you find in your collection.
In the years 1911 and up to 1918 new printings of these Two Kings lettercards were put on sale and will be dealt with later as well as the cards issued after 1920.

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