Icelandic Postal Stationery
Single Postcards Double Postcards Lettercards Printed Matter Cards Aerogrammes
Einföld spjöld Tvöföld spjöld Spjaldbréf Prentspjöld Loftbréf
Loftbréf. Principially only five different aerogrammes were issued in Iceland. All during the years 1949 to 1957. The first one, 60 aurar, at the occation of UPU's 75 years anniversary. The circulating number was 18000 ex and the First Day of Issue was 9 October 1949. Already a month later, 15 November 1949 the rate went up to 85 aurar. So ordinary 60 aurar aerogrammes without an additional postage are rather difficult to find.
First of March 1950 the second aerogramme, 85 aurar, was issued. Circulating number 39600. The postage increased and and a year later, 3 July 1951 the third areogramme was issued, 150 aurar. It had a printer's reference E.M. 1-51. The fourth one, 175 aurar, came 16 June 1954, now with a border of red and darkblue lozengers which was printed separately, resulting in that often the text and value stamp are misplaced. The circulating number was 50400 ex, printer's reference: E.M. 11.54. May 17th 1957 the fifth issue of Aerogrammes was issued in the number of 114000 ex. The denomination was still 175 aurar but this time there was no printer's reference and no overlay in the paper of the repeating "ISLANDE" as in the former issues.

More to come.


Web links
Some old articles (mine) on
Icelandic Postal Stationery

Postal Stationery Rates

Interesting links
Icelandic Philatelic Society
FIP Postal Stationery Commission
The Postal Stationery Society
Postal Stationery of Denmark
My Danish friend Toke Nørby

This website is made by Hálfdan Helgason - Reykjavík - Iceland
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